
About me

Assistant Prof. Sr. Grade-I

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm Sidharth!
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Embedded Technology at the School of Electronics (SENSE), VIT Vellore. I obtained my PhD in Image Processing from the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, India. During my doctoral studies, I had the privilege of working under the mentorship of Dr. B.K. Panigrahi and Dr. Tapan Gandhi, who served as my advisors. My doctoral dissertation focused on developing Prior-Based Optimization Approaches for Single Image Dehazing, aiming to improve attributes such as color, contrast, and sharpness affected by haze. My research offers innovative solutions for visibility enhancement in aerial, terrestrial, and underwater imaging, surpassing contemporary learning-based methods.

To learn more about my skills, projects, and research interests, feel free to explore my profile or get in touch with me directly.

Research Interests

Terrestrial Imaging

Computer Vision

Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Underwater Imaging

Satellite Imaging



Ph.D in Computer Vison & Image Processing

2016 - 2022

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

M.Tech in Signal Processing & Digital Design

2012 - 2014

Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India

B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering

2004 - 2008

UIET, Kurukshetra University, India

Professional Experience

Assistant Professor Sr. Grade-I

May 2022 - Present

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India

Academic Fellow

July 2014 - Dec 2015

BML Munjal University, India


July 2009 - July 2012

Aravali College of Engineering and Management, India


Publications in peer-reviewed Journals


WMCP-EM: An integrated dehazing framework for visibility restoration in single image [PDF]
S. Gautam, T. Gandhi, B. K. Panigrahi
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, Volume 229, 2023, 103648, ISSN 1077-3142. [Q1]
An improved Air-light estimation scheme for single haze images using color constancy prior [PDF]
S. Gautam, T. Gandhi, B. K. Panigrahi
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 1695-1699, 2020, doi: 10.1109/LSP.2020.3025462. [Q1]
A Model-based dehazing scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle system using radiance boundary constraint and graph model [PDF]
S. Gautam, T. Gandhi, B. K. Panigrahi
Journal of Visual Comm. and Image Representation, Elsevier, Volume 74, 2021, 102993, ISSN 1047-3203. [Q1]


An Advanced Visibility Restoration Technique for Underwater Images [PDF]
S. Gautam, T. Gandhi, B. K. Panigrahi
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2018.
Athens, Greece
Single image dehazing using image boundary constraint and nearest neighborhood optimization [PDF]
S. Gautam, T. Gandhi, B. K. Panigrahi
Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP 2018, IIT Hyderabad.


Fall Semester 2024-25

Winter & WEI Semester 2023-24

Fall & Summer Semester 2022-23

Winter Semester 2022-23

Fall & WEI Semester 2022-23

Summer Semester Special 2021-22

Research Projects

🔥 Single Image Dehazing 🔥

The process of removing haze using a single image and compensating for the attenuated scene radiance is known as single image dehazing. Here are some typical dehazing cases.


Due to adverse weather conditions, haze, smoke, or mist is the most common problem in outdoor scenes. A hazy environment reduces atmospheric visibility and hinders the performance of many computer-vision based applications used for object tracking, vehicle surveillance, road traffic regulation, and navigation. The process of removing haze using a single image and compensating for the attenuated energy is known as single image dehazing. Retrieving haze-free results using a single image is an ill-posed and under-constrained problem due to the lack of information such as the Transmission-map and air-light contribution. This research project aims to develop novel priors and boundary constraints using statistical/physical properties or heuristic assumptions to forecast the unknown information required for dehazing. To this end, we aim to propose AI powered dehazing techniques to handle different illumination and haze conditions that may be useful for restoring visibility in aerial, terrestrial, and underwater imaging.

🔥 Development of AI-powered Driver Assistance System to see through haze 🔥


In northern India, haze coupled with smoke and air pollution obscure atmospheric visibility, causing navigation challenges and significantly disrupting rail and road traffic services as it causes difficulty discerning the object features, such as colours and textures of the scene. However, these image features are the prerequisites for many vision-based automated systems and applications, such as object detection, recognition, navigation and monitoring. Under adverse atmospheric conditions, driving through the haze is always a pain, but the development of technology to see through the haze can assist drivers in avoiding fatal accidents and massive pileups on highways. Therefore, to improve driver visibility, we need to develop an AI-powered ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) that can see through haze. We can increase driver visibility and alertness in inclement weather by placing a camera system coupled with a depth sensor on the vehicle's dashboard. The system assesses the scene depth in real-time, which not only helps the driver in real-time navigation and avoids delays in making appropriate decisions due to poor atmospheric visibility. The targeted technique aims to be developed using specialized hardware or software in a standardized computer environment and also work for many other real-time vision-based applications like road traffic regulation, video surveillance, object detection, and tracking.

🔥 Image/Video De-raining 🔥


Single image de-raining is a critical task in computer vision aimed at removing rain or water droplet artifacts from single images. The motivation behind developing effective de-raining techniques stems from the significant degradation rain introduces to outdoor images, impacting visibility and image quality. Raindrops on camera lenses or airborne droplets scatter light, causing blurring, obscuration of details, and reduced contrast, which can hinder subsequent computer vision tasks such as object detection, recognition, and scene analysis. In computer vision applications, clear and high-quality images are crucial for accurate processing and interpretation. By eliminating rain-induced distortions, de-raining algorithms enhance image clarity and aid in improving the performance of various computer vision tasks. For instance, in autonomous driving, where real-time detection of obstacles and lane markings is essential for safe navigation, de-raining enables clearer images from vehicle-mounted cameras, thereby enhancing the reliability and robustness of detection algorithms in adverse weather conditions. Moreover, in surveillance and security systems, where clear visibility is paramount for identifying individuals, objects, or activities, effective de-raining techniques ensure that surveillance footage remains useful and actionable even under rainy weather conditions. Additionally, in satellite imagery and remote sensing applications, where environmental monitoring and analysis rely on capturing accurate and clear images, de-raining plays a crucial role in ensuring the fidelity of collected data.

PhD Students

I am looking for a dynamic and highly motivated postgraduate students for part-time/full-time PhD positions. My profound passion lies at the intersection of computer vision, ML, and DL. However, within this exciting tapestry, I am fervently dedicated to decipher the intricacies of low-level vision imaging for computer-vision applications.

If you are interested Please go through my web pages, see the recent papers, be explicit about your interests and how that aligns with what i am doing. Details of the PhD advertisement and application can be found here.

M.Tech Students

I am currently seeking motivated M.tech students to collaborate on exciting research projects in Computer Vision. If you're passionate about exploring innovative solutions in image processing, machine learning, and visual computing, let's work together!

Below is the list of past M.Tech students who have worked with me on a research projects:

Name: ROSHAN R K (23MES0029)
Branch: Embedded Systems (SENSE)
Current Position: Graduate Technical Intern, Intel Banglore
SET Project: L-DRN: A LSTM-based De-Raining network for instantaneous visibility improvement in rainy images.
Venue: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Springer.
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roshan-r-k/.
Contact: roshantjk@gmail.com

Branch: Embedded Systems (SENSE)
Current Position: Embedded System Engineer, Prezitec Health (Startup)
SET Project: L-DRN: A LSTM-based De-Raining network for instantaneous visibility improvement in rainy images.
Venue: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Springer.
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vijay-krishna-076447150/
Contact: vijay.kirishana@gmail.com


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SJT-710K, VIT Vellore,

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